Since we met, we have watched Ma Yun show great respect and turned a blind eye to ourselves. Li Gao has anger in his heart. Plus, he won a chance to establish prestige for the second report this godsend opportunity. By mistake, Ma Yun took the lead. Anger and resentment are even more dissatisfied with Ma Yun. So he directly said, "What a five-report TaBaHeng teaches you like this?" If you don’t ask the plaintiff carefully and don’t know clearly, you dare to interrogate the suspect in court. There is still a king in your eyes. "

13 minutes, 49 seconds Read

Ma was a heavy stare at Li Gao sneer at a way "Li Gao didn’t you say that Wang Qu was forced to confess? Zhou Tinghui’s witness and material evidence are all in his own case, and he doesn’t deny it. Is this also called an unjust case? "
"Li Shifu impatient five younger brother don’t take oh by the way you found the account? Show me my father’s close attention to this matter. "Ma Guangliang asked cheerfully.
"What is the account?" Fortunately, Ma Yun almost said it when his brain turned fast.
"Fifth brother, didn’t you say that witnesses and physical evidence are all there?" Ma Guangliang a little dissatisfied and said
Ma Yun secretly scolded Li Gao, a wily old fox, and accused Ma Yun of trying the case. Of course, Ma Yun wanted to and didn’t want to defend himself as a witness and material evidence. Then Ma Guangliang smiled and went straight to the question. Ma Yun almost went to Dangdang and said, "Second brother, I mean Zhou Ting’s material evidence, which is full of real silver. He actually made so much silver that he should be killed!"
"Five sovereign, you sent troops around the foundry bureau to rummage through everything and didn’t find out the account?"
Ma Yun laughed. "Li Shifu, are you old and confused? With those silver guns, it is enough to prove that Zhou Ting is greedy for ink, and greed for ink is not a small amount. What account do you need if you are convicted?"
"The report can know how much money Zhou Ting taught? Does he have a backstage? Where did he spend all this money? " Li Gao asked
Ma Yun shook his head and smiled. "Oh, what am I supposed to be? Li Shifu, don’t worry, you want to know these things, and you don’t look for any accounts. Zhou Ting teaches people. I have already punished him. If you don’t say anything today, you will say that you are at ease. My second brother tried him together. If I don’t believe it, I can’t dig his mouth. My brother recently learned a set of ten tortures in the Central Plains, even if he is a dead man, he can make him talk. "He looked at Li Gao’s eyes with malicious intent."
Li Gao looked at Ma Yun, an animal, laughing and lazy. He couldn’t wait to hit him in the mouth. Ma Guangliang’s face was a little dignified, and he kept guessing whether this young man had found the account or not.
On the contrary, Ma Yun asked, "Second brother, how do you know that Zhou Ting is greedy for ink?"
"A few days ago, someone was also blocking the road to complain, so I took the case and learned about it. I deeply felt that this matter was a major tip-off, and my father came to Wangcheng County for a sudden trial of Zhou Tinghui."
Also a snitch? Ma Yun is a little hesitant. It’s too unreliable to do things this week. Why do so many people know?
"Five report can bring the informant to come over and let’s ask him? Maybe he knows the account. "
The account is in the foundry bureau, and there is a crack in the landlord’s wall. This is the informant who said that Ma Yun also found the account from there as he said, but this man, he is already dead.
Chapter 57 Waves ()
Just now, Li Ergou came to tell Ma Yun that this was the case. When the guards were ordered to go to prison, they were ready to take Zhou Tinghui and the informant’s card to chase Shen Tu Congjian. However, they never thought that this witness actually died in prison and according to the analysis, it was a poisoning suicide.
But now Ma Guangliang and Li Gao want to witness Ma Yun, and they can’t help but be puzzled. This person is dead and it is better to see him.
Li Gaodang sneered, "It’s really a national pillar for the five sovereign states to break the huge case again in Nanping. Everyone admires the second sovereign state. Most people can’t see the extraordinary achievements of the world. I’m afraid you are worrying about your brother in vain."
Listen to Li Gao with a gun and a stick. Ma Yun hasn’t spoken yet. Ma Guangliang quickly analyzed himself and said, "Don’t worry about it, Fifth Brother. I really don’t have any idea of striving for success. My father sent me to Wangcheng County. I want to know something at least and reply to the king’s orders."
Ma Yunnan said, "The second brother is not the younger brother who won’t let you be a witness, but" Ma Yun turned his head and said, "Li Ergou, come in."
After seeing Li Ergou come in, Ma Yun said, "Li Ergou, why don’t you tell the second report in detail about the witness?"
Li Ergou took a look at Ma Yun and took a glance at Ma Guangliang. After a ceremony, they said, "The thing is that seven days ago, our report set out from Jiangling City to visit the king Chitose in Changsha. It was calm, sunny and windy, and the travel-stained man came to Wangcheng County. It was really windy and rainy."
Ma Yun was a little in stitches when he heard this. Ma Yun made a new suggestion that the literacy rate of high officers, especially middle and senior officers, should further strengthen their loyalty and patriotism. After this suggestion came out, he encountered some resistance. For example, Zhang Wenbiao was careless at that time and made up two sentences. As a result, Ma Yun became angry and yelled at Zhang Wenbiao. He also made a decision on the spot. After the military forced the explanation of the meeting, Zhang Wenbiao was Qian Qing. Shi Da and others complained about what was a suggestion. Now it’s good that you are full of Hu Chai, and we can read. Zhang Wenbiao was depressed to death, but the next day he was happy again. Because he dared to kill and fight, he first entered Jiangling City and made the first contribution to conquer Jiangling. He was praised by Ma Yun by name, but this literacy measure was still implemented in the Jingnan Army. Li Ergou, who is bent on learning from excellent young people, also learned and sold the idiom Dalian String today.
It’s a pity that except Ma Yun, the two people left don’t appreciate this at all. Li Gao happened to have a glimpse of Ma Yunzheng and nodded with a smile. When I felt that this big black man was instructed by Ma Yun to amuse himself, I was the first ten bachelor of Tiance Government. You played this in front of me, even playing broadsword in front of the public. People played broadsword and dragon crescent moon blade, which was a little close to you. Playing this is not as good as even a woodcutter, and even more dissatisfied with Ma Yun.
When Li Gao urged me to "talk about it later and focus on it"
Li Ergou said that he was proud, but he interrupted him and was dissatisfied. When he stole a look at Ma Yun, he directly said, "This person died later."
Li Gao was almost out of breath. He was furious and went to Li Ergou and slapped him hard and scolded, "Tell me more about the king’s egg."
"It’s against the sage’s teaching that Li Shifu can talk without starting a cabinet!" Ma Yun was a little angry and said that it depends on the owner to beat the dog, not to mention the captain Ma Yun.
Li Gao sneer at a hao not afraid of direct way "five report you push from pillar to post, is there anything fishy? Maybe you have something to hide, Wu Wang Ye? "
"Bang!" Ma Yun smashed the teacup in his hand and said angrily, "Do you dare to know what is the charge of casually pulling the report? King Li Gao is loyal. What is the secret there?" Outside, Ma Yun and Ma Guangliang’s guards don’t know what happened, so they hurriedly ran in to guard against each other and separated on both sides.
After Ma Yun saw it, he was even more angry and shouted at Ma Guangliang’s guards, "Get out of here and do what you want?" All the guards were surprised at that time. They were no better than the soldiers of fortune in Jingnan our province. They were quite afraid to see Ma Yun reprimanded so much and went out with Ma Yun’s hand. Ma Guangliang looked at Ma Yun in the eyes with a cold light and passed away in an instant.
"Five younger brother don’t be polite! Ha ha Li Shifu, but my father personally selected the master for us. "Ma Guangliang aside is not salty or light.
"Hey hey loose river climbing falsely report! Li Gao, aren’t you afraid of failing the king’s trust in you? Do you deserve a teacher’s example like this? " Ma Yun ignored Ma Guangliang’s persuasion.
"Five report don’t bring these top hats to Li Mouren everywhere. I want to ask the report. Since the report sent troops to the foundry and didn’t search elsewhere, how can it be specially searched for offices? Why did you tear down the landlord’s gable without moving the other walls? I wonder what you are looking for, Your Majesty? "
They actually know where the account is hidden?
Nowadays, Ma Yun has been singled out. Even if he wants to retire now, he can retreat. He argued, "How do you know that I didn’t search anywhere else, Li’s adult? I didn’t search other places, and where did these lead-and-silver guns come from? Is it because you took them? It’s natural to search the accounts there, but you can’t find them. Naturally, you have to climb over the wall to tear down the cabinet and uncover the tiles, but you just can’t find me. What can I do? "
Looking at Ma Yun’s mouth full of injustice, he refused to admit that Li Gao did not show weakness. "I’m afraid this is not the case, because someone reported the account and hid it in the cracks in the landlord’s wall of the foundry bureau. How can you explain this?"
Ma Guangliang, they know so clearly that Ma Yun can’t help wondering in his heart, but now it’s not the time to think about it. Li Gao’s tone across the street is so compelling that he will just denounce Ma Yun as Zhou Ting’s backstage boss and the whole case figurine.
Ma Yun has a ghost in his heart when he dies. "How do you explain the nonsense? Can I meet your witness?" How can you guarantee that someone is telling the truth? To tell you the truth, this account is always not seen at all. Zhou Ting’s law is implemented. God will report it to the king and listen to the king’s ruling. I’m sorry. The second brother and younger brother are sleepy now. Let’s talk about Li Ergou’s Fujian another day. "
As Ma Yun said, he was ready to leave. Just then, a guard of Ma Yun rushed in and looked around Ma Yun. Ma Guangliang and Ma Yun were in a mess. He looked at him impatiently and said, "Say something!"
The guard was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Bingwang Zhou Tinghui died."
The fiftieth chapter such as falling in the fog (for collection)
"Is Zhou Tinghui dead?"
Li Gao and Ma Guangliang stared at Ma Yun and saw that Ma Yun was also a face of disbelief. Suddenly, Ma Yun grabbed the guard’s collar and asked angrily, "Dead?" How to die? "
The guard mew said, "We will hang him."
Ma Yun pushed the guard hard. He almost didn’t push the guard to the ground and scolded, "Why don’t you look at his grandmother, such a big living person? You can’t stand what you want! Li Ergou arrested the guardian who was in charge of guarding Zhou Tinghui and threw him into Xiangjiang River to feed the fish. "
The guard prostrated himself and begged, "Your Majesty, please forgive me."
According to common sense, the host family beat and scolded the servant, and the guest had to be relieved to be polite. But today, these two people are really brilliant, drinking tea and ignoring Li Gao’s watching expression, and there is a faint sneer in their eyes.
Ma Yun roared, "Li Ergou doesn’t start work yet."
Watching Li Ergou drag the guard out of the door all the way, the guard begged for forgiveness. Ma Yun frowned and came back and asked, "What should I do if the second brother died this week?"
Ma Guangliang put the teacup and laughed. "The fifth brother has already examined it clearly. This is dead. It’s just a matter of getting rid of it. I’m also happy to relax. You can play it to your father yourself."
Looking at Ma Guangliang with a relaxed expression, Ma Yun was a little puzzled. "Second brother, since you are here, things are naturally up to you. In public, you have been ordered by the king. In private, you are still my second brother!"
Ma Guangliang laughed for a long time before saying, "Five brothers, this case is not easy to handle now. You need evidence, no evidence, no witnesses, no prisoners and no prisoners. I don’t know how to finalize it. Anyway, you have tried it, so you can finalize it."
Looking at Ma Guangliang to push Ma Yun’s heart to exult, he said, "Second brother, I’m not a little hesitant. I received a report this afternoon. At that time, I heard that Zhou Ting had embezzled ink for 302,000 silver. It was really indignant. At that time, I sent someone to search the foundry bureau. As a result, Ma found out those lead and silver guns. When I saw this, I even called Wangcheng County Xiancheng and others to join in the trial. Zhou Ting taught Zhou Ting to admit the case without saying the specific number. The accounts fell, and so on. I was in a hurry and I was tortured. I didn’t expect him to die like this. Second brother, you have to help me at this time, otherwise I don’t know how to explain to my father. "
Ma Guangliang relieved and said, "Five brothers don’t worry. Don’t say that Zhou Tinghui’s corruption is real. Even if he is a greatly upright official and you killed him, it’s no big deal. Don’t worry, so Li Shifu and I will go to prison to see that Zhou Tinghui."
When the three of them rode in the rain to the place where Zhou Tinghui was detained, this was a room next to the prison, which used to be a resting place for the prisoners. Zhou Tinghui watched the house five or six meters deep, and there was a gray belt dangling from the beams, which must be Zhou Tinghui’s hanging.
Li Gao looked around the environment and went directly to the center of the hall, where there was a long board lying horizontally. It was Zhou Tinghui’s corpse, Zhou Tinghui’s hair was unkempt, his eyes were bloodstained, his mouth was swollen, his mouth was swollen, his mouth was bursting, his tongue was pale, and his face was barely recognizable. His body was already tattered and his blood-stained shoes were missing. It seems that he had suffered a lot of torture in front of him.
Seeing this, Li Gao couldn’t help glancing at Ma Yun. The eyes of the Five Sovereigns also seemed to show his sympathy. When he looked at the eyes again, Ma Guangliang had already lost his gentle face. After looking at the body, he turned around and never looked at Li Gao again. This man went to the Central Plains. How did it become so obvious that he became a kind-hearted and malicious character?

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