Two people with action, it easily caused great damage, but even the walls here have collapsed to near the ground, but still no one dared to come forward.

7 minutes, 33 seconds Read

Because everything that is left over from a fight between two people, even if it is just a gentle slap, will suddenly disappear. Even if they are strong, they are under heavy pressure and can’t get close at all.
The struggle between the two has been out of the sum of the strength of people in the place.
But there is no doubt that the strength of the two people is causing great damage to the whole post-Beijing. The earth is shaking gently, and everyone is uneasy, even standing has become a problem.
If it weren’t for the security guard in the rear capital, I’m afraid all the buildings in the whole city would have collapsed.
The fluctuation caused by the struggle between the two people constantly impacted the post-Beijing, but every impact was absorbed by the magic circle.
The relationship between Gongxiong and Zhujiajian’s three brothers has also reached a white-hot level, but the strength of Zhujiajian’s third son is too different from Gongxiong’s. Although they have tried their best, they are still losing ground.
The male is like a tiger rushing into the flock, and no one can stop him wherever he goes.
Under the attack of Gongxiong, the siege army quickly broke through a gap, and a flood of enemy troops began to flood in.
Just then, a beautiful figure came with a flying sword, and with a wave of his hand, the five-color horse rose into the sky and dived evenly into the dense crowd.
Poop-poop ~ ~ explosion sound is continuous, just a brief encounter, hundreds of people were all cut off by stretching and died. The pressure on the guarding city army was greatly reduced.
Male eyebrows a pick, twist a head a see, I saw MuZhuoQing stepping on a sword, his hands into a sword, casually waving, is a string of surging shock wave roared out, a skirt of siege sergeant, was killed under this shock wave.
"Ah ~ ~ ~" Male shout at top of voice, feet on the ground with a heavy step, the whole person like a meteor, toward MuZhuoQing blunt past, his whole body golden light shining, double hammer in his hand is transformed into colorful, on the way to fly, the whole body covered with a colossus to virtual shadow, ferocious ivory, just highlight on the two heavy hammers.
MuZhuoQing in front of a finger, at the foot of five swords foaming at the mouth, rotating stand in front of her, five-color brilliance condensed, formed a solid shield, protect in front of her.
Bang ~ ~!
The sledgehammer and the shield collided together, and the male drank wildly, and the whole body crackled, and the golden light burst in a flash, breaking through the shield and rushing straight at MuZhuoQing.
MuZhuoQing hands into a sword, five sword suddenly broke countless Lei Guang, around the split to the male. It’s just that he gave me a sneer at the corner of his mouth and let the lightning strike him.
Is still rushed towards MuZhuoQing.
Boom ~ ~ ~ MuZhuoQing weak body was flying straight, one mouthful blood gushed out. If the five swords hadn’t stopped her body at the last minute, the blow would have killed her.
But even so, Mu Zhuoqing suffered a heavy blow.
MuZhuoQing backwards for half a day to get steady, at the same time gently sighed, "alas," and if it weren’t for lack of self-cultivation, can’t wield all the power of this sword, how could it be defeated by the male?
Male with a roar, continue to blunt come over toward MuZhuoQing, hands double hammer heavy blow together in mid-air, huge explosive sound mixed with coils of golden ripples, toward MuZhuoQing blunt past.
MuZhuoQing face a firm expression, is going to meet the body, but suddenly appeared in front of the male unexpectedly face dew surprised color stopped, eyes fixed on looking at her behind, like to see something incredible.
MuZhuoQing surprised a look back, suddenly froze.
A gorgeous shadow roared from a distance, and the speed of it was dizzying. I just saw a string of virtual shadows flashing by, and this shadow had already rushed to the crowd.
Impressively turned out to be Li Feiyang who played against Barroul for half a day!
Mu Zhuoqing was surprised at how Li Feiyang got Barroul so quickly, and to the male’s surprise, how could this man be so fast?
Between the two men were surprised, Li Feiyang jumped up, put all his strength into his fists, and hit the male with all his strength. At the same time, there was a loud roar in the mouth: "Let me do it! !”
Hum ~ ~ ~! The sound of violent surprises roared like rolling thunder, rushing forward at the same time.
Yang’s giant shadow of the red tiger came out, and in a flash, his whole body was covered.
This amazing momentum, even Gongyin and Zhuyan were alarmed.
Male sneer at once, in the heart dark sigh to stupid, unexpectedly want to hit my heavy hammer with empty hands? Ok, I’ll help you!
Li Feiyang’s strong momentum also made Gongxiong feel a little scared, but he didn’t believe that each other’s fists could have their own double hammers harder! More importantly, he experienced a powerful momentum in the bearer, which inspired Chen Gong to fight!
Playing hardball has always been Gongxiong’s favorite way of fighting!
Li Feiyang’s fists were covered with strong flames, and the golden double hammers of Gongxiong collided violently in the most direct way.
Boom ~ ~ ~! !
When a strong impact explodes, there will always be a harsh halo, but this time the impact, centered on two people, is suddenly fierce and dark.
Boxing hammer intersection, two people actually appeared a short pause. So that all the people present clearly saw their expressions.
Li Feiyang is still a face of violent perseverance, and male, it is consternation and surprise.
Rumbling ~! ! ! A strong explosion poured out from the center of the two people in all directions, and the whole battlefield was suddenly covered with dust. The sergeant affected by the explosion suddenly shattered the five internal organs and died of blood.
Li Feiyang body flame burning, like a statue of a fiend stand in situ. And male, was violently impact blasted out, heavy hit the wall, will be as thick as ten zhangs hard wall, crashed out of a hole.
Poof! ~ male spit out one mouthful blood, a full face of gloomy, unwilling to look at Li Feiyang, desperate to get up, but his legs are trembling gently, no matter how to don’t stay up that big body.
Li Feiyang looked at the tidal crowd below, and then looked at the total yin and toast that were playing in the dark, and his lips gave me a sneer. He drifted quietly to Mu Zhuoqing’s side and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, Qing Er, why do you want to help these people?"
Eighty-zero electron book w w.t x t 8 0.c c
MuZhuoQing was immersed in Li Feiyang’s shocking blow just now, and when he heard this, he trembled slightly, as if he had just returned to his absolute being. Back in a low voice: "Emperor Bai Man recognized me as an adopted daughter, but actually speaking … this has something to do with the boundless ancestor … Now is not the time to say this. You should try to stop the rebels … Hey, can you fly? Have you reached the heart stage? "
Li Feiyang smiled gently and said, "Just now, with this boy, I suddenly felt that my mind was suddenly enlightened, and I suddenly reached my heart, hey hey, how’s it going? I am awesome. "
Mu Zhuoqing Zhan Yan smiled: "Awesome, you are the most awesome yogi in cardiac period. However, can you get rid of these people first and then be poor with me? "
Li Feiyang smiled: "It’s nothing. Watch this. I’ve never tried this trick before. I’ll let you open your eyes today."
Say and Li Feiyang slowly drifted to the center of the battlefield and raised his hands to the sky.
Ho ~ ~ ~! ! ! An earth-shattering tiger roar suddenly sounded, like a thunder. A breath full of tyranny and killing suddenly swept the world. The sky turned crimson, just like the evil of the end.
A huge red tiger emerged from the sky, full of fierce flames, staring at everyone below, including Gongyin and Zhuyun, who are struggling, with the help of the king of heaven and earth.
As soon as the tiger came out, it easily overwhelmed the momentum of sharing yin and wishing to burn. The world seemed to be clear, and everyone suddenly felt that their mind seemed to have stopped. They could only look blindly, but suddenly they didn’t know what they were looking at, and the world seemed to be blurred.
Tiger evil spirit skill: the tiger roars and the wind blows!
Ho ~ ~! The red Yan tiger roared in the sky, and a strong Gangfeng spewed out of its mouth, covering the crowd on the battlefield below.

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